New Program Launched!

8 Weeks AI-Enabled Python Web Development

Goal dari Program ini adalah Student memiliki skillset untuk membangun web application dengan teknologi modern dan integrasi AI

Python The AI Powerhouse

Python telah menjadi bahasa pemrograman utama dalam pengembangan AI, menggerakkan berbagai aplikasi dari chatbot hingga computer vision. Ekosistem yang kaya akan library dan framework AI menjadikan Python pilihan sempurna untuk membangun aplikasi modern berbasis AI.

AI: The Future of Web Apps

Integrasi AI telah menjadi kebutuhan penting dalam pengembangan web modern. Dari meningkatkan pengalaman pengguna hingga mengotomatisasi tugas-tugas kompleks, kemampuan AI memberikan keunggulan kompetitif bagi aplikasi Anda di era teknologi saat ini.


Python Fundamentals

Dalam minggu ini kamu akan mempelajari tentang Dasar Python

Variables, data types, and operators
Control structures (if/else, loops)
Functions and Modules
Error handling (try/except)
Files handling

Advance Python

Dalam minggu ini kamu akan mempelajari tentang Python tingkat lanjut

Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)
Classes and inheritance
Decorators and generators
Working with virtual environments
Package management with pip

Django Basic

Dalam minggu ini kamu akan mempelajari tentang Django

Django installation and project setup
MVT (Model-View-Template) architecture
URLs and views
Templates and template language
Models and database operations
Forms and form handling
Django admin interface

Advance Django

Dalam minggu ini kamu akan mempelajari tentang Django tingkat lanjut

Class-based views
Authentication and authorization
Static files and media handling
Model relationships
Testing in Django
Security best practices

Django REST Framework

Dalam minggu ini kamu akan mempelajari tentang Django REST Framework

REST API concepts and DRF setup
Serializers and ViewSets
Class-based API views
Authentication and permissions
Request/Response handling
Filtering and pagination
API documentation

AI Integration Foundations

Dalam minggu ini kamu akan mempelajari dasar-dasar integrasi AI ke dalam aplikasi web

Introduction to AI Services and Integration Patterns
OpenAI API setup and authentication
Basic Chat Completion implementation
Vision API integration basics
Streaming responses and error handling
Cost optimization and best practices

LangChain Foundations

Dalam minggu ini kamu akan mempelajari dasar-dasar LangChain untuk AI integration

Introduction to LangChain architecture
Setting up LangChain environment
LangChain Chain types and components
LLM and Chat model integrations
Prompt templates and output parsers
Memory types and conversation handling

Advanced LangChain & RAG Implementation

Dalam minggu ini kamu akan mempelajari LangChain lanjutan dan implementasi RAG

LangChain agents and tools
Document loaders and text splitters
Vector stores integration and RAG architecture
Advanced RAG patterns and query optimization
Context augmentation strategies
Building and deploying production-ready RAG systems


Basic understanding of web development fundamentals is required for this course. Don't worry if you need to brush up - we provide access to pre-recorded materials covering:


Core concepts of HTML structure, semantic markup, and modern HTML5 features


Styling fundamentals, layouts, responsive design, and modern CSS practices


Core JavaScript concepts, DOM manipulation, and modern ES6+ features

Pre-recorded Materials Available

All students get access to comprehensive pre-recorded tutorials covering HTML, CSS, and JavaScript fundamentals. These materials are designed to help you build or refresh your web development foundation before diving into the main course content.

Meet Your Mentor

Learn from experienced industry professional

Indra Zulfi Mushoddaq

Indra Zulfi Mushoddaq

Lead Mentor
Senior Software Engineer @Adgo, Singapore

What Students Say

Amazing. Cara mengajarnya sangat detail, selalu menyebutkan hal-hal yang penting. Respect dengan kebaikan dan kepeduliannya as a mentor. Pengajar dan penasihat yang baik.

Nurul Insani
Devscale Student Alumni

Mas Indra terkesan humble, walaupun sudah punya jam terbang senior tapi tidak terlihat menggurui saat mengajar kelas. Dalam mengajar sangat amat passionate untuk membagi ilmunya. Pokoknya mentor yang baik.

Akbar Hidayatullah
Devscale Student Alumni

Mas Indra is undoubtedly experienced, no question about it. On a scale from 1 to 10, I'd rate Mas Indra a solid 99 🔥

Agung Agriza
Devscale Student Alumni


Pilih paket yang sesuai dengan kebutuhanmu untuk memulai perjalanan belajar AI


Devscale Students

Special price for Devscale community members

Pendaftaran Ditutup
  • ✓
    2x One-on-One Session with Mentor
  • ✓
    Assignment Reviews
  • ✓
    Lifetime Access to Recording Classes
  • ✓
    Supplementary Free Course in Platform
  • ✓


Open for everyone starting their AI journey

Pendaftaran Ditutup
  • ✓
    2x One-on-One Session with Mentor
  • ✓
    Assignment Reviews
  • ✓
    Lifetime Access to Recording Classes
  • ✓
    Supplementary Free Course in Platform
  • ✓

* All prices are in Indonesian Rupiah (IDR)

Class Schedule

Program akan berlangsung 3x dalam seminggu (Senin, Rabu, Jumat) selama 8 minggu

Week 1March 3 - 7

20:00 - 22:00 WIB
Live Session
Live Session
Live Session

Week 2March 10 - 14

20:00 - 22:00 WIB
Live Session
Live Session
Live Session

Week 3March 17 - 21

20:00 - 22:00 WIB
Live Session
Live Session
Live Session

Week 4March 24 - 28

20:00 - 22:00 WIB
Live Session
Live Session
Live Session

Holiday BreakMarch 31 - April 4

No classes this week due to public holiday

Week 5April 7 - 11

20:00 - 22:00 WIB
Live Session
Live Session
Live Session

Week 6April 14 - 18

20:00 - 22:00 WIB
Live Session
Live Session
Live Session

Week 7April 21 - 25

20:00 - 22:00 WIB
Live Session
Live Session
Live Session

Week 8April 28 - May 2

20:00 - 22:00 WIB
Live Session
Live Session
Live Session

Live Session Duration

Setiap sesi berlangsung selama 2 jam, dari jam 20:00 - 22:00 WIB

Recording Access

Recording akan tersedia 24 jam setelah live session berakhir

Expected Results

Yang akan kamu dapatkan setelah menyelesaikan program ini

Full-Stack Development

Master Python web development with Django, including database design, API development, and modern frontend integration

AI Integration Skills

Learn to integrate OpenAI APIs, build RAG systems, and create intelligent features in your applications

Production-Ready Skills

Learn deployment, monitoring, and maintenance of AI-enabled applications in production environments

Portfolio Projects

Build real-world AI applications including content management systems, smart search engines, and intelligent chatbots

Frequently Asked Questions