Building Learning Management System with Next.js and Server Actions

Pelajari bagaimana membangun Learning Management System dengan Next.js dan Server Actions.

6 Sections

90+ Videos

Skillsets Acquired

  • Penggunaan Server Action Next.js TypeScript
  • Building Components dengan Storybook
  • Authentication dengan Credentials dan OAuth (Google)
  • Drag and Drop Content Builder
  • Integrasi Payment Gateway dengan Mayar
  • Generate Otomatis Certificate

Lessons :

Setup Next.js with Canary Version
Setup ESLint
Setup Storybook and its Example
Setup Husky
Components - Button
Components - Input
Components - Card
Components - File Input
Components - Textarea
Components - Stories
Components - Stories Review
Login and Register Page
Setup Database
User Register - Server Action
User Register - Handling Register Return
Register Input Validation
Input Validation Message
User Services
Hash Password
Account Verification 1
Account Verification 2
Account Verification 3
Login Action
JWT Token and ENV Validation
Google Client and Secret Key
Login with Google
Google Callback Handling
Google User Checkup
Admin Dashboard
Dashboard Layout
Course DB Schema
New Course Page
Course Input Validation
Insert Course to DB
Setup Cloudflare R2
File Upload Functions
Admin Course Page
Course Content Editor
Section Card
Section Card UI
Add Lesson Actions
Lesson Card
Delete Lesson Action
Lesson Edit Form
Lesson Update Action
Section Delete Action
Section Update Action
Sections Drag and Drop Components
Sections DnD Update Logic
Sections DnD Update Action
Sections DnD useOptimistic
Lessons DnD Component
Users UI
Ban and Unban User
Flashsale Schema
Flash Sale UI
Flash Sale Action
Flashsales UI Improvement
Delete Sale Action
Certificate Models
Certificate Request UI
Certificate Approval Action
Homepage Header
Homepage Footer
Homepage UI
Single Page Course
Single Page Course Styling
Buy Course Action 1
Buy Course Action 2
Buy Course Action 3
Setup Webhook
Webhook API Payment
Payment Testing Up
Course and Certificates
My Course UI
My Course UI Styles
Single Course Page
Single Lesson UI
Single Lesson Style
Certificates UI
Certificate UI Styles
Certificate Request Action
Download Certificate Part 1
Download Certificate Part 2
Upload Certificate
Transaction History UI
Admin Analytics
Course Analytics
Mark as Preview Feature
Preview Button
Header UI
Menu Protection

Pembayaran Course bisa dilakukan ke rekening berikut sebesar IDR 199.000



a.n Indra Zulfi

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